Sex. Talls, Weed and Rock Music
12 January 2013
The Stoned Age (1994)

*** (out of 4)

Buddies Hubbs (Bradford Tatum) and Joe (Michael Kopelow) are out driving around looking for some fun chicks when they hear about two of them. They decide to pay them a visit even though they belong to a crazed criminal and soon they're trying to score with them as well as get some alcohol. THE STONED AGE is a pretty lame brain movie but that really doesn't matter because it's a lot of fun. The cast is excellent, the director keeps things moving at a very good place, there's sex and nudity, a lot of drinking, mean pranks and a great 70's rock soundtrack. Many people have called this a dumbed down version of DAZED AND CONFUSED, which actually isn't fair because both films set out to do something completely different so it's not really fair to compare the two. With that said, this film here has so many hilarious moments that it's impossible to not really enjoy it. I think a lot of the charm comes from Tatum and the rather silly Joe as they get into one bad situation after another. Or, should I say that Joe gets into one bad situation after another and you just want to see the guy catch a break. The little journey here certainly isn't anything ground-breaking but it's a lot of fun and we get some great laughs along the way. The stuff dealing with Blue Oyster Cult is very funny and the chemistry between the two stars is very memorable and it's too bad more movies weren't made with them. I think ones entertainment level will probably be even higher if you can relate to these two guys. The driving around, looking for girls, smoking weed and just getting into trouble. The film is very innocent and oh so much fun.
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