Review of Magic Town

Magic Town (1947)
both delightful and appalling
10 January 2013
First the good news: an unusual and sometimes-interesting plot, with some very entertaining and funny moments along the way. But, although it tries to emulate Capra, this movie does not come even close to Frank Capra's light and expert touch. Jimmy Stewart performs to his usual high standard, and there are some great supporting character performances, but I found Wyman disappointing and unlikeable as his (totally unnecessary and badly handled) romantic interest. The film was too long, and the direction too ham-fisted to keep my attention consistently: I could not have watched it all the way through, were it not for regular relief from the comic asides with which the drudgery was peppered. Also, the film has dated badly, and one aspect in particular disgusted me: the conceit that that this town was a perfect representation of US-wide views, when there is not one black or Hispanic character in it. Such a gross misrepresentation would not be tolerated nowadays, and for this reason alone this film should be condemned to the dustbin of history, some fine character acting notwithstanding.
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