Review of SheZow

SheZow (2012–2013)
Love SheZow!
4 January 2013
Wow.  This show is innovative.  And like most innovations it will be met with mixed feelings but I love this show.  It's quirky, genuinely funny and has good messages for kids.  One episode deals with stealing, one with empathy, another with jealousy.  It's one strong story after another and I look forward to the next.  

There seems to be a lot about it online and episodes get put up and yanked down faster than laundry on a clothes line but I will remain diligent and look for it to be back soon, for it is one of the few shows I will let my kids watch.  In the meantime, You go girl!  Let's not read too much into the concept.  It's just a cute little comedy for kids and nobody needs to make it into anything else.  

Yes, the series is full of she-puns and normally I would hate that but these puns are good and they actually got me coming up with my own she-puns.  Unfortunately.  The theme song is an ear worm which I wish I could yank out but at least it's catchy.  The design of the show is fresh.  There's nothing out there that I know of that looks like this and the designer, Kyla May should be applauded.  The quality of the stories do however vary from episode to episode and there have been a couple of stinkers but the great episodes, like Mister Nice Guy and Cold Finger certainly do make up for it.  I think the gender angle of the show will be good for kids if left alone.  That's because it is only one aspect of the series.  Like I said, it's fun, light and good natured.  The quality of the actual animation is spotty.  It can be very good and it can be very bad.  The characters often come off wooden and rigid but other times not.

The series is hit and miss overall, but the genuine comedy makes up for any shortcomings.
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