12 Wishes of Christmas (2011 TV Movie)
Good if this is what you like, and I do
4 January 2013
I can say that Andy is the type boyfriend everyone who watches this type of movie wants the girl to end up with, and Morgan is not

There seems to be an epidemic of movies where Elisa Donovan has a dog and doesn't want to spend Christmas with her mother, in which Michael Gross plays a Scrooge. Keep in mind, though, how Scrooge turned out. Gross is very good here, and we really find out why his character has developed such a negative attitude.

This is by far the better of the movies with Donovan and Gross, though. Donovan actually does better in the other one, but she is quite charming and appealing here too, and not overly perky, not to mention pretty. And I do like her clothes. Well, of course if she works in fashion she'll have pretty clothes. They are clothes normal people would wear, though, not the FABulous stuff you see in New York.

This movie has a lot of good writing and acting, even if it does stick to a formula. But it's a very good formula, with a lot of lessons about responsibility and making your own dreams come true.

I didn't recognize Gabrielle Carteris, but she does a good job with a role that turns out to be a challenge. I mean for this type of movie.

Most of the other leading actors do a good job. Fred Willard is, of course, Fred Willard. There's no one better. He can do nice and mean both. He's mostly mean.

This is a family movie, even if it has a few minor curse words and some dialogue about adult issues. It would be fine for kids to watch, though I doubt they'd be that interested.

About the music: it doesn't make me happy for the most part. Loud rock with lyrics that happen to be about Christmas does not qualify in my book as Christmas music. Classic holiday songs, even celebrating the real meaning, do not work if they are even louder rock. Or even if they are soft and sound like they are being sung by a robot. And of course there is the fashion show, with fashion show music (for lack of a better word), and not a hint of the holiday that I am aware of.

I did mention the holiday's real meaning is celebrated, and Noel makes a point of saying who her boss is. And Faith only believes in things she can see, though she DOES go to church ...

We do get to see Laura's family celebrating with her mother when she calls. But Laura doesn't want to be there. I can say she has the family she needs where she is.

This is really worth seeing.
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