Review of Mayor Cupcake

Mayor Cupcake (2011)
Nice family movie featuring Lea Thompson.
3 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
IMDb doesn't call this a "TV movie", but it plays like one and doesn't seem to have had a theatrical run. Lea Thompson stars in it as the cupcake-making housewife who unexpectedly becomes mayor, and she also was the producer. My wife and I enjoyed it, basically a family movie and featuring Lea and her two daughters.

I have been a Lea Thompson fan since the release of "Back to the Future" all those years ago. Now in her 50s she has aged very well and looks great. Hetre she is Mary Maroni who bakes cupcakes for sale in the local restaurant in this small Delaware community. Everyone likes Mary, and her husband, Judd Nelson as Donald Maroni , is on the town police force.

One day for a school Civics project, one daughter gets the idea of putting her mom on the ballot for the upcoming Mayor's election. Mary doesn't take it very seriously, at first, but when she actually becomes mayor and finds out how poorly the previous administration managed the town's business, she sets out to get things straight.

Her two daughters in the movie are her two daughters in real life, Zoey Deutch as Lana Maroni and Madelyn Deutch as Anita Maroni .

SPOILERS: When the ballots are counted the corrupt incumbent mayor easily is re-elected. But as he nervously anticipates the results, eating cupcakes too fast, he chokes and ultimately dies. So by quirk of the rules, he cannot be declared mayor and the second place candidate, Mary Maroni, is declared mayor. She finds that the former mayor and his cronies were stealing from the town's resources, once she put a stop to that and cut expenses, with the help of some of the good townspeople, the town returned to solvency.
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