Rear Window (1954)
A great movie that sadly, the modern generation will not see.
28 December 2012
First off, hats off to Alfred Hitchcock, he's one of the greatest directors ever. This is certainly one of his masterpieces.

Now for the movie review. This is what a thriller mystery should be like, I look at all of these modern films and with most of them you just don't get that feeling that movies like this give you, the real thrill.

Hitchcock did a great job of not letting the audience in on what was happening and giving a genuine first person view. If you don't know what I am talking about, just look at most of the modern thrillers/horrors. Most of those movies will give little hints as to when a scary part is coming or when the movie is about to climax. As a fan of the cinema, I do not like that. I like to be surprised and this movie did just that. You will not have any more knowledge than the lead protagonist does during the course of the movie. This is important for the development of the mystery.

The setting is quite simple, it's an apartment building. This is perfect, as the main character is in a wheelchair and cannot leave. Therefor the plot has to develop while being in the apartment building. Most of the movie takes place looking out a window. The main character observes his neighbors actions, and well, I'll leave it at that so I don't spoil it for you.

The acting is superb, as expected from a Hitchcock movie. There are not many actors, well, not that many that actually talk.

Overall, this movie is a must watch. Don't let that 1954 year dissuade you from watching, you'll be missing out on a classic.
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