Undercover (2011–2016)
Review of the "Undercover" drama
28 December 2012
The sophistication of the TV series is beyond all expectations of the average viewer. Watching this astonishing sitcom you will experience unique insight into the underground world of some members of the 21-th century Bulgarian society. The twists and turns in all of the episodes vividly remind of Shakespeare Reinaissance characters of the era. The endless spirit of the characters transports us into a parallel universe where the power is endless and unprecedented.It might seem surprising that only now Zahari Baharov won the Ascer Prize for Best Actor and two years after his nomination for Golden Nipple — his major role, first published in Semkovo in 1992, appearing in English translation. Then again, politically radical fiction is often a tough sell in our market. While Kukata was an outspoken member of his community in his best-known work his politics are embedded in allegory or fantasy, allowing readers to view them as loosely humanist or to overlook them entirely.
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