Review of Cool Dog

Cool Dog (2010 Video)
Ultra cool, families will love it, despite a few over the top moments
28 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Jimmy (Jason Pace) lives in Eagle Rock Louisiana and loves it. His best pal in the whole world is his very "cool" dog, Raney, a German Shepherd. In truth, Raney is quite a canine! He rescues a little girl before she falls off of a bridge and he can run down no-goodniks, too, and hold them until the police arrive. The boy and the dog are even closer because Jimmy's biological mother is deceased and his stepmother can be difficult. But, oh no! Terrible news arrives for Jimmy. His father has been given a big promotion at work and the household is moving to an apartment in NYC, where no pets are allowed. Jimmy is beyond sad when his father tells him they must leave Raney behind at a small wildlife park, until they can find a different apartment. Nevertheless, there is no other option. The family moves to Manhattan, where their new landlords are a domineering woman and her hen-pecked husband. They don't even want a child in their building. Jimmy also has trouble with a big bully at his new school. Meanwhile, back in Louisiana, the park ranger doesn't take very good care of Raney. Being cool and smart, too, Raney runs out of an open gate, hops a train with some fellow tramps and lands in the Big Apple. Jimmy is beside himself with joy but tries to hide the dog from everyone, in a building basement. But, in that basement, are some nefarious activities, as Jimmy and Raney soon discover. Now, they are committed to bringing the law-breakers to justice! Can they do it? Well, cool is cool, after all! This was a fun flick that families will love. Yes, there are many implausible elements, for Raney can play the piano and win at checkers. Also, many of the characters, especially the landlords, are larger than life, for certain. But, overall, there is so much physical humor and hijinks that kids will laugh and laugh. Although there are no well-known actors, except possibly Michael Pare, the ones in the film give it their all. Also, the scenery, photography and special effects are fine, too. One word of caution is in order. The landlord's wife does slap her husband a couple of times, totally uncalled for, while there are a couple of other incidents of mild violence when none is needed. However, parents and kids can discuss this if necessary. This viewer still feels the movie is an outright winner. Therefore, Cool rules so snatch the flick from the shelf or the order list.
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