Wind on Water (1998– )
Absolute Drek
28 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Don't let the other reviewers here fool you. This show deserved to be canceled after only 2 episodes. In fact, 2 was 2 too many. Terrible clichéd plots and contrived action sequences. All meant to blatantly show off the actor's bodies. For no reason other than T&A. Think: The worst of Aaron Spelling and then take it down a couple of notches. I only watched the first episode. And then I badly wanted back that hour of my life. I really wouldn't bother to attempt to find this show unless you're just interested in a particular actor/actress in the show and just want to ogle their bodies. Mild Spoiler: Basically the show is concerned with the cavorting of rich spoiled 20 somethings who have no real problems, other than a ludicrously contrived one.
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