The Life Zone (2011)
Kenneth Del Vecchio Strikes Again
27 December 2012
First off, we should make clear that this is not a horror film. There are no elements of horror excepting the underlying execution of the message in itself.

I must make clear that I am actually a conservative, and this film did the great task of making both sides of the argument of abortion look terrible. Regardless of what ideals you yourself might hold, the film makes a jest of the topic and presents a poor argument even of the side it is obviously on.

However, to truly understand this story, I think it necessary to understand Ken Del Vecchio. Ken Del Vecchio, the writer and one of the wonderfully talented actors (sarcasm), actually has origins in the law field. His first film, coming from this background, is about a hotshot defense lawyer that no woman can resist. If that does not spell out for you what kind of talent Kenneth Del Vecchio has, it might also help to know that nearly all, if not every film written by Ken Del Vecchio contains one lawyer character. This is because Ol' Kenneth is unable to see any world views apart from that of a lawyer. And even that view is so twisted as to strip away any wonder as to why he felt the need to leave the profession.

Somehow, though, Kenneth believes that he has a great background from which he can argue women's choices and place in the world. This belief most likely stems from the fact that Ken Del Vecchio is actually a full-fledged misogynist who believes he actually has a first-hand understanding of women. It obviously stems from his law days when women were throwing themselves at him (sarcasm, of course). He must have spent hours in bed with women, engaged in passionate conversation about the very sensual topic of abortion. This has afforded him the ability to know what womens' rights (which according to Ken, appear out of thin air) are and even what justice awaits them in the after-life (knowing the inner machinations of Christian Justice as intimately as the women he has frequented as a humble lawman).

Before this review gets too long, suffice to say that even if the rating isn't enough of an indicator, know that regardless of whether you're pro-life or pro-choice, this is nothing but forcefully offensive drivel. But then again, which of Kenneth's films can be said not to be?
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