GREAT if you like spandex and sweaty babes, not the greatest if you like horror (or good movies)
24 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Killer Workout" is one of those movies where I just can't figure out if it was made as a spoof or not. It's just that bizarre.

Set in a fitness club, there are multiple EXTENDED scenes of insanely sexy girls in spandex working out and practically revealing it all. The cameraman should be awarded for somehow immediately zooming in on the bustiest girl in the room in every one of these softcore aerobic fetish scenes. These are basically the highlight of the film, and you'd probably be better off watching exercise regiment infomercials than this. HOWEVER, I can not say I don't recommend it, because I absolutely do.

The body count is extremely high, though nothing is particularly gory at all. The killer uses a giant safety pin for some unexplained reason to kill the victims, having to stab each of them in the neck like ten times. Why none of the poor girls didn't try to simply use their arm to get poked instead of their jugular vein, I'll never know. I'll also never know why there are also multiple martial arts showdowns lasting an obscene amount of time between ripped bodybuilders, but I digress. The last twenty minutes of this one are an absolute glorious mess, with one of the most ridiculous plot elements in slasher history, and an incredibly long and dull chase scene.

While it may sound like I just tore this movie spandex limb from spandex limb, it is a must see on sheer absurdity value alone.
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