With all due respect...this film is a "master crap" of the first kind.
24 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
HI All,

I just created an account to write my first review. I felt the urge to do so after watching this movie.

I just about had it with the emotional milking of Turkish pride in such movies. If you can't bring the story that, millions within the nation cherish, and produce crap I can only think of one thing: "$ signs" by abusing history!!

The movie lacks everything: Plot/Script/Actors/Story/Suspense/Etc.

I hate it to be negative towards a movie that carries a Historical Title such as this one! As it is the start of Turkey as we know it today.

When watching the movie, you have the feeling that someone got hold of the remote and is skipping chapters (like pulling a prank). There is absolutely no story or building up tension in any of the scenes. Things just happen without a real story behind it. It feels like the message is; You now the story, fill the gaps! Why did you film this piece of mischief then?

No character building of any kind! If I cannot connect, I cannot get emotionally attached. For that to happen, you have to build up the character(s) and his/their stories.

I have to use two spoilers to be more specific:

1. the scene where they blow up a general and his staff right after the "Bayram Namazi"....what the?? How, who, why....I''m not stupid and capable and educated enough to answer those questions, but that is not the point here. Why did he not build up the tension of plotting and planning of the enemy! build up the tension as if someone is about to notice or the enemy will give away their position or plan by a mistake. Build the moment up! Drag me into it! Let me relive the moment!

2. The scene with the torpedo's. Same situation again....How did they do it. What did they feel. How did they prepare themselves. Build up the tension as if any minute anything can go wrong. Show how the enemy notices them and the actions and interactions between them form both perspectives etc. etc. etc.

Actually too many to list here....unfortunately. Like the scene where Onbasi Seyit carries the Shell on his own while the rest is watching how he does it?? This is absolutely not how I imagined the scene and it looked ridiculous. And the blood?? Why? Does that add more drama? Not in my opinion!

I really hope that one day someone will succeed to create a blockbuster movie of the rich history from the Turkish Nation (not intending to start a political discussion here!), But don't try to squeeze the complete story in a 90 minute movie! It should not be quantity over quality. If this movie would have told a fraction of the historical event, well executed and more focus on characters and evolving story by building up to a climax, it would excite people just enough so that they would start looking for answers and for the rest of the story. This approach, if executed well, could have created the urge among the viewers to start looking and demanding for the next part of the story!

UGI signing off........
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