The Amazing Spider-Man (1977–1979)
The worst Spiderman "adaptation" ever made
17 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I only saw the pilot episode of this drivel, but that was enough for me. This awful series seemed to be made by people who never read a Spiderman comic or just didn't care at all about that character.

This lacked of every single one of the virtues that made "Spiderman" a popular comic in first place. It didn't have anything to do with the story in which it was supposedly inspired. Instead of that, it was something completely different (And not good at all, for that matter) which just shoehorned the superhero for a few couple of scenes. Several viewers complained about the liberties that Sam Raimi took about the original comic when he made his movie version of "Spiderman", but all those liberties are nothing compared with the absolute nonsense that this series was.

As something independent to the comics, this is merely bad (With extremely poor production values and a boring storyline) but as an adaptation is just plain terrible. This series is just one big bad joke that is best forgotten.

0/10 (I would give this a negative score if I could)
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