See the Man Run (1971 TV Movie)
A Top Notch TV Movie
17 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It is 4 in the morning, and drunk, out of work actor, Robert Culp's phone starts ringing. He picks up the phone and mumbles, "Yes?" A voice says. "Now listen, Doctor Spencer, we have taken your daughter. You will not call the Police. If you do, your daughter will die. I will call in the morning with further instructions." The half drunk Culp, looks at the phone for a second, then hangs up. He wakes his wife, Angie Dickinson and tells her about the call. Dickinson gives him a dirty look and rolls back over to sleep.

The call keep gnawing at him so he grabs the phone. He calls information, asks for a Dr Spencer listing. He calls the number. Answering is, Eddie Albert, "Yes this is Dr Spencer. What do you want at this time of the night?" Culp asks if Albert has a daughter, and is she there. Albert sends his wife, June Allyson, to look in the daughter's room. The room is a mess and the window is open. She rushes back to Albert and cries that the girl is gone. Albert asks Culp if the girl is OK.

Culp tries to explain what had happened, and how he had gotten the call from a kidnapper. He tells Albert the man had said, no police, or the girl will be killed. Albert however misunderstands Culp thinking he is the kidnapper. A hysterical Allyson makes a grab for the phone causing it to disconnect. Culp decides he has done his good deed and hits the sack.

Next morning, Culp gets a call from the kidnappers. "We want $50,000 in 10's and 20's or the girl will die. We'll give you 6 hours. And again, no Police! " Culp just listens to the voice and then agrees.

He tells wife Dickinson again about the call. "You think I should call the Police?" Needless to say that does not happen. Light-bulbs go off as they decide this could be the answer to their cash flow problems.

Culp calls Albert and asks for $150,000. Albert agrees. Culp tells him he will call again with delivery instructions.

Culp hangs up the phone, looks at Dickinson. Tension and excitement has Dickinson all heated up, the two embrace and head to the bedroom for some clutch and grab. Afterwards, they plan out a place for the cash transfer.

Albert has gone to see his bank manager telling Allyson to stay calm. However, family friend's Antoinette Bower and Ross Elliot arrive. Of course Allyson spills about the kidnapping and Elliot calls in the Police.

Elliot and Police Detective, Charles Cioffi, convince Albert they can help. Albert tells them he intends to go through with the ransom pay off. Cioffi talks Albert into at least allowing the Police to tap the next call. Albert agrees but wants no further Police involvement.

Culp and Dickinson, realize that they should not use their phone and use a cross town pay phone. Culp tells Albert to meet him at a high school football field in an hour. Culp knows the grounds of the school since he was a student there.

The cash exchange is botched, because the Police followed Albert and make their move too soon. Culp barely escapes through some tunnels under the school. Albert is furious with the Police and demands they remove the phone tap and stay out of the way. He then returns home.

Culp and Dickinson are also at home. He calls Albert and asks, "Do you want your daughter dead?" Albert explains that the Police were not his idea, and that they are no longer involved. Culp arranges another drop for later that night. Culp then waits for the real kidnappers to call. When they do, he arranges a cash drop for several hours after his meet with Albert.

An easy score Culp and Dickinson figure. They get the cash from Albert, skim $100,000 off the top, and then drop off the 50,000 to the real kidnappers.

Culp, being an actor, dons a fake beard and stash for his meeting with Albert. He takes the cash, tells Albert that his daughter will be dropped off in a few hours. "Don't worry, she is OK." Culp then drives off to meet Dickinson. Culp counts out their end and gives it to Angie. "Take good care of that. I'll meet you back at the house." He then takes off for the next meet.

There, he forks over the $50,000 to the kidnappers and collects Albert's blindfolded daughter. Leaving the blindfold in place, Culp hustles her back to the car. He whispers to her to stay quiet and she will soon be home. The daughter realizes it is not Albert and starts screaming. "You are not my father!" The kidnappers are not pleased with this turn of events. The one figures that Culp must be a cop, and pulls a gun. Culp manages to knock the man down. The second crook then pulls his piece and fires, hitting his fellow kidnapper in error.

Culp shoves the girl in the car, jumps in and hits the gas. He gets himself and the girl safely away. Culp drives a street over from Albert's place, and drops the girl. Then back to Dickinson and the cash.

He finds, no Dickinson, no cash and nothing but empty closets. He has been had! He mutters to himself. "I'll fix her!" He grabs the phone and calls the Police. He tells the Police about the kidnapping and the cash. He then gives them Dickinson's name, description, and the license number of the car. He hangs up and smiles.

A minute later, the door flies open and Dickinson enters. She waves a big bottle of champagne and says, "Lets hit the road! I've packed the bags and loaded the car. I just went out to grab us a bottle so we can celebrate!" (colour)
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