Absentia (I) (2011)
Oh boy...
1 December 2012
Okay. My wife and I are at the redbox and we come to that point where we look at each other because everything good is rented out. we scroll through and both agree upon THIS movie...sadly.

Aside from the all too hitting-in-the-face-fact that you can tell this flick is shot like a home movie..you know...the whole shaky camera thing...obvious from the start. To say this movie takes a while to get going is a bit of an understatement. I wanted to do the one thing I ALWAYS do during a bad movie...FASTFORWARD. But I gave the movie the benefit of the doubt. I know as a professional horror movie renter that 99% of all horror movies do NOT end well. I accept this. But this ending just...well after watching the WHOLE movie...it just blows...sorry. I would advise against renting this one. Instead...I hear the watching paint dry channel has a new special...shades of blue. Check it out...
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