A Waste
1 December 2012
Alright, lets set the story straight. These past reviews on this board must have been written by the filmmakers or their family. No one in their right mind likes this movie that much. I bet its even hard for the filmmakers to re-watch this drool. Pay attention to the average score. Its far too high but a good indicator that you should steer clear of this film. If you should watch it, take a lesson on how to never make a movie. And if you do make a film that rips off every other movie in its genre, then at least cover these necessitates. Develop your characters in living humans so their not flat and one dimensional. Write a story that is interesting and makes sense. You're jokes need to be funny. And lastly, don't make things random for random sake. You're characters need to have proper motivation. General Education crew; good luck next time. Hopefully, whoever's trust fund you drain, their money will be properly spent into making an educated movie.
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