10 questions for the Dali Lama
29 November 2012
The 10 Questions for the Dali Lama by Rick Ray: In the movie, Rick Ray has set up an interview with Tenzin Gyatso, the fourteenth Dali Lama. Before the interview, Rick Ray has a lot of time to discover the land that the Dali Lama grew up in and ruled, Tibet. The Chinese have always had a rivalry with Tibet because they think they own the land, even though the Tibetans disagree. This movie shows the rich history behind the silly laugh of the Dali Lama. The Dali Lama will tolerate no violence in his name and just wishes to remain in a remote area, where everything concentrates on spiritual practice. Rick Ray asks the Dali Lama only 10 questions and discovers why the Dali Lama deserved the famous Noble Peace Prize.

While watching this movie, I enjoyed the marvelous quality of the facts about the 14 Dali Lamas, and the war between the Chinese and Tibet. I definitely understand the point of the war now, and also hold a grudge against China. Even though some of Tibet's traditions have been taken out, it was very interesting to watch the ones that still live on to this day. Although the content was very rich, I found the filming quality of the movie, especially in the interview, was very poor and not professional. The sound quality was also not very good, and some scenes in the movie were quite dull. Overall, it was very informative and would recommend it for anyone wanting to learn about Tibet's History and the Dali Lama.
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