Cold Prey 2 (2008)
Disappointingly - the slasher is now portrayed as almost superhero, but the story is better than the first!
23 November 2012
Having seen the first film of the series, I was really looking forward to this one. Fritt Vilt should definitely be remembered as Norway's lead Slasher (though I haven't had any chance to see any other Norwegian Horror films). Instead of writing this review as I usually like to, separating the good from the bad, I've decided this time to write my thoughts in the chronological order they've occurred.

First of all - Cold Prey 2 picked up pretty much exactly where Cold Prey ended, and was an actual sequel, rather than a film that only used the same location or same slasher. It even used the same surviving girl from the first film. A very good thing in my opinion! Unfortunately, something about her hair was different. It wasn't as obvious as Mark Hamil's total makeover between The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi, but it was still noticeable and slightly hurt suspension of disbelief.

Second - Slasher-wise, this sequel unfortunately pretty much devastated all the greatness of the first film. While in the first film the characters were up against a man (larger and stronger than average and completely crazy, but still a man), in this one the Mountain Man had become this Jason Voorhees adaptation. Suddenly - his strength levels in the superhuman, and a wrench thrown directly at his head has barely any effect. A let down... However, the background story attached to this phenomenon was dark, murky and original. Still, better off with just human slashers, I say either make the film a monster/aliens film or one with human villains. Most importantly - be persistent, if the first film presented the slasher as a man, don't make him a superhero in the 2nd.

Third - the ending, while having no twists and no exceptionally wise turn of events, was still very original and well done! Excellent acting by Ingrid Bolsø Berdal (despite her hair) and a great way to finish the story while leaving some potential loose ends for the third film.

Coming to think of it, now that I re-read the aforementioned notes, I think I liked this film even more than the first one! What a pity that based on the rules of 99% of trilogies, the third one is going to be lousy :) Let's hope it isn't!
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