A very fun entertainer
21 November 2012
Those of you old enough might remember the Tintin show that, if I'm correct, used to come on Channel 4 early in the mornings. It was great, really fun to watch. So I had a keen interest in the movie when it was announced, especially after knowing that it was being directed by one Steven Spielberg.

The Secret Of The Unicorn is about Tintin (Jamie Bell), the brave young journalist always on the lookout for a story. Purchasing a model of a ship propels him into an epic adventure across the world, assisted by the drunk Captain Haddock (Andy Serkis), and thwarted by the evil Sakharine (Daniel Craig).

Since it released in the cinema, I've seen this movie about four times, and I always enjoy it. Mostly because it has all that charm you expect from a Spielberg charm, but with the added bonus of it being a motion capture animation. The digital effects are absolutely sublime, and need to be seen in HD to be properly appreciated. The highlight has to be the incredible chase sequence involving Snowy the dog and an eagle, with blatant comparisons to Indiana Jones and The Goonies apparent. On the other hand, there are sequences in the movie which are perhaps a bit too far-fetched. Yes, it's an animated film, but we're trained to think of this as 'real life'.

Performance-wise, it's a good affair. I think Andy Serkis is the star of the show; Haddock is a great character, and he does it justice. It's fun to see Daniel Craig do something a bit sillier than usual, and Jamie Bell is his usual solid self. Nick Frost and Simon Pegg are comic relief, somewhat, but their talents are wasted, I think.

Overall, I give this a thumbs-up. Whether you're a fan of the original books, or the TV show like me, you'll enjoy this cinematic version. With a sequel already earmarked (especially considering the end of this movie), this could turn into a very successful franchise. Good stuff.
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