A Christmas Story 2 (2012 Video)
Actually better then I expected but still not all that good. Tried to redo gags from original but not as funny. I say C
20 November 2012
"When I was 9 I pulled the wrapping off the present of my dreams and knew right then that no Christmas would ever be the same and none were, until today." Ralphie (Lemasters) is a few years older and it's Christmas time again. This year instead of a gun he wants a car. When he is testing out how it feels behind the wheel an accident happens and he owes the dealer $85. When his dad (Stern) refuses to help him and his friends get jobs, which turns out to be a huge adventure. I have to admit I was very skeptical going in to this movie. I loved the first one but after seeing "Christmas Vacation 2 : Cousin Eddie's Island Adventure" I am a little leery about sequels to classic movies. This was better then that one but this is still nothing to rush out and see. Stern is a little over the top and every other scene is him yelling at the furnace. They try to just re-hash the funny gags from the original but they aren't funny in this one. Pretty much the movie is what you would expect and most people will watch it out of curiosity, like I did. Overall, I was expecting worse but this is still forgettable and not really worth seeing. I give it a C.
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