Review of The Stud

The Stud (1978)
An exploitative curiosity
20 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Stud is about Tony Blake, a handsome young man whose fortunes are tied to his ability to satisfy the sexual urges of influential women.

This rather cheap and tatty British sexploitation movie must be the only movie (apart from its sequel, The Bitch) to be based on a novel by one woman, and starring her sister - Jackie Collins, purveyor of glossy erotic fiction in the Harold Robbins mold is the sister of Joan Collins, whose career was reinvigorated by this tosh.

The erotic sequences are, frankly, not particularly erotic, although Miss C (Joan, that is) gamely gets 'em out for the lads for the first time at the age of 45, so points awarded to her for kudos (and also for looking pretty good).

But this is essentially an overwrought bonkbuster, entertaining in a trashy sense on first viewing, but very much a product of its era, and further evidence that we British aren't very good at sex on screen.
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