Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012 Video Game)
Just what I thought, unfortunately.
18 November 2012
The game just came out and these are my first impressions, note I'am going to re-review this in a couple of months. After Modern warfare 3 I lost all hope for call of duty, even though I already knew it was going to be bad. Treyarch's has had a good track record so far, but that stops now. Some problems have been taken away, but they added a whole truck load of new one's. The lag is worse than ever before, my god, the game runs like s**t. MW3 lag wasn't to big of a problem, but here it is unplayable. It goes like this, I shot someone 15 times or more and they turn around and shoot me once, and I mean it when I say one bullet. Black ops lag was also atrocious, but not this bad. Every death I get is from a camper, explosion or lag. They put even more kill streaks in this time, so all those twelve year old kids can get a high k/d, they sit in corners. But thats just what you get when all these children are watching you tube. I was a huge zombies fan and would play it just as much as the multi-player. I like how the maps are grander than before, but I just don't care about zombies anymore, it got old. The graphics look the same as black ops, the game play is the same. The sound is great, as with all Treyarch games. I have no interest with the campaign right now, I'll review it in the next review. The game isn't bad, it's just UN-polished(multi-player). Out of my 70 some matches i've only had one game where it wasn't lagging, so I wasn't getting angry and easily got top score. I would like to add that I like the guns and the levelling system is the best so far. The game would be more fun if the lag was addressed.

!Update!#1 The lag is even worse now, and my theatre mode doesn't record my game plays. Zombies is still fun, but all the bad players ruin it. The game has been crashing my ps3 quite a bit, at least once a day.

!update!# I've been getting host a lot lately, and it sucks, it causes me to have a worse connection than anyone in the lobby, which results in a rage quit. This game is so bad I can only play it for ten minutes before I shut the PS3 off. I mostly enjoy using the pistol's, and only a few primary's.

This game is by far the worst Call of duty I have ever played, and I played them all, it could be one of the best if Treyarch cared enough to fix it, but they don't. This is more of a rant than a review. I can't enjoy this game anymore, it is complete garbage. The worst game I have played all year.

JAN,15: Well the game worked fine for a couple of match's this past week. I am getting tired of the game giving me host and then kicking me out, it mostly happens when I am doing good, coincidence? I find it stupid that you have to prestige. And last but not least, this game is incredibly boring, I played thirty minutes today and it felt like an hour and a half, and to my amazement I only played this game for 1 day and 15 hours, it felt like I should have been at 2 and half days by now.

JAN.18: I had the displeasure of hearing something disturbing today, it was about a teenager. For you more mature people, get ready for this. So this kid somehow got on the topic of assassin's or something, he said that would be a fun job, the teacher said" then you would have to kill people". The kids reply made me want to throw up. He said I would have no problem killing anyone, it's fun and I do it all the time in Black ops. It was very obvious he meant it, especially when the teacher gave him a disapproving look. Is this seriously what young kids get out of these games, if so, it should be illegal for anyone under 17 to play them. I thought I'd share this along with my other rants.

JAN.23: I just had the most frustrating 30 minutes of my life. Here is what happened. My ps3 had just crashed 3 times in a row tyring to get this s**ty game to work, and then it finally worked. And I was greeted by a constant 2 bar, campers and a lag switcher. And for the first time in my 8 years of gaming I through my controller. I used enough forced that it bounced off of the ground and hit my computer which caused it to hit the wall. It didn't break. I have never been that angry before, but this steaming pile of excrement is the last straw, I think I'm going to take a month off from playing this game, I don't think I can take anymore of it's BS.

FEB.10: Well the game has been running better lately, it still makes me angry though. I've been using pistols exclusively, and find I do better with them. And for the first time in this game I had fun, when I got a 7300 point kill confirmed game.

FEB.21: Well i've finally settled into this game, I have my guns and classed set up to suit my play style. The only guns I use are the Five Sevens, Tac.45, and the M1216, the M1216 is the most fun to use. The submachine guns are the most overused guns in the game, they are way to powerful. I have been doing much better now, and can get 6000 point games regularly, so I'm satisfied for now.
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