Review of Cover-Up

Cover-Up (1991)
Dolph heads for the holy land!
9 November 2012
Mike Anderson (Dolph Lungren) is an ex-marine reporter sent by the LA time to Tel Aviv to investigate the recent bombing of a US army base. There he meets his mate Cooper, who has now hooked up with Mike's ex. Mike sense that something isn't right with this attack, and he's right. A nerve gas has been stolen that can kill up to a square mile of people and it seems a shadowy group called Black October have stolen it. Mike sets out to find out what's up with the whole deal, and just exactly what Lou Gossett Junior has to do with it all.

Low on action but high in covert shenanigans, Cover Up is helped greatly by the fact that Lungren, unlike a lot of action stars, is also quite a likable actor to boot. Here he doesn't have too much to do except snoop around, avoid the CIA, and avoid being killed by assassins, but he does find time to sleep with his widowed ex, get into a car chase, and seemingly get into a very violent fight with an actor who greatly resembles Italian b-movie star John Stiener (who, in some sort of time slip, travelled forward in time from a movie set in Rome to kick Dolph's head in - weird).

There's your usual double and triple crosses, plus, for an action hero, Dolph really takes his licks here. I liked it for what it was, and when violence appears it's quite strong. Not bad for something to pass the time.
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