Arrested Development: Making a Stand (2005)
Season 3, Episode 8
After massive head wounds, Tobias is recovering; so is the show
4 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
One might think an episode as disastrously bad as Prison Break-In (which directly followed two weak Rita episodes) might spell a shark jump for any series, but somehow season 3 of Arrested Development recovered considerably in this episode before finishing with five strong episodes. Making a Stand is disappointing as a sequel to the masterpiece episode Pier Pressure but still fairly good in its own right.

The episode mostly involves George trying to play GOB and Michael against each other; the two brothers then attempt to turn the tables and scare George with J. Walter Weatherman, who terrorized the Bluth children with his one arm. Buster, now missing a hand himself, is appalled by the whole affair- and may just teach a lesson himself.

GOB is very good in this episode, including with his inept magic and when he talks about getting his mysterious religious girlfriend to "renounce God" and have sex. This episode is also notable for giving GOB and his son Steve Holt a closer relationship, though this isn't developed any further in the next five episodes (who knows, maybe it will be in season 4). Lindsay also shines in this episode with her "subtle hint" to Bob Loblaw.

As for the J. Walter Weatherman story, one might question whether Pier Pressure needs a sequel at all when George swore he made his last lesson, a promise he breaks in Making a Stand. If they were going to make a sequel, though, I expected new flashbacks to lessons from the Bluths' childhood. Instead, Making a Stand simply recycles the "leave a note" and "don't yell" gags from Pier Pressure. I was pretty disappointed. There are new "lessons" set in the present day in Making a Stand, but most aren't great. Nevertheless, it is nice to see Buster get the upper hand for once.
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