The Civil War: Forever Free (1862) (1990)
Season 1, Episode 3
Episode 3: Forever Free
2 November 2012
The Civil War: Forever Free (1990)

**** (out of 4)

The third film in Ken Burns series is another wonderful episodes that tackles subjects including: Robert E. Lee, England calls for the two sides to settle, Stonewall Jackson's battles, South cuts cotton supply to force England to side with them, the battle at Fair Oaks, General Butler in New Orleans, emancipation for slaves, the Sharpsburg, VA battle, Joe Hooker and Matthew Brady's battlefield photos. Once again this episode is full of terrific stories, wonderful and sad photos plus just an all around greatness that you makes you soak up everything you're hearing. I think what's so incredibly about this documentary is how Burns really builds it up like an actual movie. There are times where the end of the war could have happened and even though you know it didn't, you still get caught up in the tension of the matter and everything that was going on. As with the previous episodes, this one here features a lot of photos from the various battles that were fought and it's really just remarkable seeing all the bodies scattered out and at times it's talk about how you could walk in any direction, on bodies and never have to touch the ground. The decisions of McClellan are also discussed as he continues to get a lot of blame for the war not ending. History buffs and film fans will certainly enjoy what's here.
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