Quite Good but what's chilling is TODAY's version
30 October 2012
Quite a good review of the neo Nazis in America circa 1960-1990. The method of using these people's own words to their own deadly effect is perfectly well done. What's chilling though is that these neo Nazis sound almost moderate compared to totalitarian antisemitism coming from the right AND the left today. One needs only to read any of the comments on a 'progressive' website like Huffington Post, Salon, or Alternet touching on anything to do with foreign policy, Israel, Judaism, Jews, Wall St, the economy, the media and so forth. There you can find long insane diatribes calling for a new holocaust, denying the holocaust, asserting Jews control the world etc etc etc all on 100% moderated websites where each comment has to pass muster with a person representing that website.

So from today, it looks quaint, these Pennsyltucky rednecks and their burning crosses and George Lincoln Rockwell with his corncob pipe calling on TV, for the gassing of all Jews, homosexuals and just about everyone else not 'white.' But the real horror is that it's not even horrible enough for our modern day 'progressives' and their pro terrorist, pro nuclear Iranian, antisemitic hate speech.
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