Review of Motorway

Motorway (2012)
Bizarre, that one
24 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this, I didn't know what to expect.

We have a rookie hothead cop who seems to be still reading "being a traffic cop for dummies" at work and transforms into generic main character from "The Fast and the Furious" on off-hours. Then we have old cop who's torn between nearby retirement and need for his high skills from "old times". This causes some drama, and I'm unsure if it enriched or ruined the experience.

Generally, it's pretty much like similar Hollywood movies (like one I mentioned above), but very, very dark. It reminds me "Crash" quite a lot. Slow music, dark city in neon lights, and despite quick cuts of insane horsepower - packed into plastic and chromed steel, under overpriced car hood, there's no hip-hop anthems playing or tanned girls anywhere to be seen. Neither is any dumb one- liners.

I liked that movie and yet hated it. I think it showed how weak Fast and Furious really would be as a movie if you removed MTV-styled clips and flashy people. As a cop drama it probably failed, because I really didn't believe that cops work like in this movie, leaving wounded behind, not reporting in, failing to catch a cop killer in week and never bringing out big guns, but send a rookie after notorious criminal instead.

Still, it was entertaining, and good break from formulaic stew that Hollywood constantly feeds us. Want to see something different, see this.
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