Reality Bites (1994)
For a movie called Reality Bites, the characters sure have nothing to complain about!
23 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Look, I get that being a young adult ain't easy, they're a lot of issues in life no matter what age...except for the characters in this movie. Winona Ryder's character (lelaina) is a horrible person who steals 900 dollars from her father...because she's "Rebellious" and Ethan Hawke's character (Troy) is one of the most despicable people ever put to film. Apathetic, pretentious, egotistical, despicable, he's just an awful character. AND YET, these two are our leads who we root for! THESE TWO! Lelaina is a stealing, whiny, pathetic child while Ethan is a lazy, jerk who thinks his music will be his career (ignoring the fact his music makes Creed sound like The Band)hey Ethan, most people who have a music passion tend to have a job so they can support themselves while chasing their dreams...just a thought...oh wait you have parents willing to support you and give you money but they're just "The Man" to you. ugh.... This movie is framed like were supposed to root for these two when characters like this should be framed as if they were the horrible people they are and consequences happen to them (a la Trainspotting) instead they are just two cool rebels...The only three likable characters either get barely any screen time (Janeane Garofolo's character and Steve Zahn who deserved much better) Apparently to this movie, being privileged sucks too...was this movie made by those whiny teenagers in class who make those poems that mean absolutely nothing?

But my biggest question is...what is the point of this movie? Was this was meant to be a satire of the 90s? Well it came out too early in 1994 for this to satirize it...but even if it wasn't it was not framed like a satire. It was filmed as a serious movie... Was it to relate to teenagers or young adults? Maybe so but I'd hate to meet the people who are like this, because in real life there are consequences and for stuff like the characters in this movie, it's not a good consequence. Was it too be a nice romantic comedy? Well it fails there amazingly since the characters are so horrible. NO I'll tell you what it's purpose was, CASH! This movie is perfect pandering towards this kind of demographic, let's face it, teenagers are idiots and they will dig this kind of stuff, how ironic that a movie against the man was made by the man (BTW, that's irony Ethan Hawke. Not the actual meaning is the complete opposite of the literal meaning) Now there are people who apparently relate to this movie and say "That's what I was like" IF that's the case 1. NO WAY did you get out of something similar to that without ANY consequences like in this cinematic abomination. 2. Is that really a good thing? Most of the time when you look back on stuff like this you say "Wow...I was a complete idiot." Bottom line...I hate this movie...I hate everything about...The only good acting comes from Jeane, Steve and Ben Stiller (who I forgot to mention gets ridiculed for GASP having a steady, desirable job and being nice!) everyone else is awful, it's shot poorly. If this movie summed up Gen X than thank god we moved on from those days, things were better in those days? If it's like this movie than that is completely wrong!
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