Breaking Bad: Half Measures (2010)
Season 3, Episode 12
20 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
With all the hints about Jesse skimming off some of the meth for his own private sales I was sure that was going to lead to him being in a very dangerous place with Gus. He does get into trouble but it has nothing to do with his sideline; instead it is because he decides that the two dealers who arranged to have a child kill Combo must die. To this end he asks Walt to provide him with some ricin; he refuses to provide it but Jesse just says he will find another way to kill them. Walt is concerned that Jesse will get himself killed by Gus's people if he kills two of his dealers so he goes to Saul for help; this leads to a conversation with Mike followed by an intervention of sorts where Jesse is taken to Gus and told to accept what has happened and shake hands with the dealers; he refuses because of the fact that they used a child to do their dirty work. Gus then tells the two 'no more children'... it looks like the worry is past until the boy is murdered; one way or another the two dealers will be dead before the episode is over!

This was a great penultimate episode for season three; there were plenty of tense moments and an ending that was quite a surprise. While the final action was great there were also excellent quiet conversational scenes; the best being where Mike tells Walt an anecdote about how, when he was a cop, he drove a wife beater out into the desert and told him he'd kill him if he touched her again before releasing him with tragic consequences; Jonathan Banks was brilliant in that scene. The 'intervention' was also a fine scene as we see Gus gain some respect for Jesse when he makes a principled stand. There are some lighter moments of course; the bet Marie has with Hank was worthy of a chuckle! After the dramatic closing scene I can't wait to watch the season finale!
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