Klown (2010)
I Guess Danes Love Rape?
19 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer for this movie claimed it was hilarious and outrageous. The IMDb rating was 7.1, which is pretty decent for a comedy. Most (presumably Danish?) reviewers here are very positive about the film, so I checked it out.

Klown is outrageous, alright - in that every zany episode involves non- consensual sex in some way.

*** Spoilerville ***

A man ejaculates onto a woman's face while she's sleeping, and she has to get her eye treated at the hospital. Another man engages in the statutory rape of a high school student. One character is coerced into participating (half-heartedly) in a threesome, which is actually a funny scene ... until the next day, when the woman involved in the act is upset and says that she felt taken advantage of. Finally, two grown men take ridiculing pictures of themselves pointing at and touching a pre- pubescent boy's penis. And all of this is played for laughs.

I'm all for sex comedies, and while embarrassment and exploration of social taboos are great wells to plumb for humour, I felt downright icky watching this movie. What is it about the Danish zeitgeist that makes sex against someone's will so hilarious?
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