The lunatic fringe appears...
17 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Watching the first two seasons of Through the Wormhole turned me into a science maniac and, accordingly, I have spent the past two years reading avidly and therefore consider that I have a fairly rounded view of quite a lot of the subjects covered.

This season in general is not up to par with the first two, but this episode hit the bottom of the barrel, bored a hole through it, dug its way to the nether regions and scraped up the worst examples of scientists imaginable.

The premise is simple: Is the Universe Alive

Unfortunately, this sort of question attracts a particular kind of lunatic with weird and truly demented answers, which include bouncing balls - supposed to represent the Universe expanding and contracting, which it almost certainly doesn't do - quantum particle stooges convinced that subatomic particles represent living cells and various other kinds of people who, if born a couple of decades earlier, would have been considered strange even by the Flower-power generation.

Even Morgan Freeman couldn't seem to find his usual enthusiasm when presenting the various theories, probably because he's an extremely intelligent man quite capable of seeing the flaws in all the arguments presented.
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