Cameron reverts to type
17 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Season two begins where season one finished; the Jeep Cameron was getting into has just exploded and two unsavoury looking gentlemen have entered the Connors' house; they are looking for something and will do what it takes to get it. While they are inside Cameron reboots and enters the house; it looks as if she is going to save the Connors once again but when she sees John it becomes obvious she has reverted to her original programming and has locked on to her primary target. Despite being injured John and Sarah flee, pursued by a heavily damaged Cameron. Given what has just happened it looks as if they will have to kill Cameron. We also learn where the Turk is now; it has been acquired by Catherine Weaver, a business woman working on something called Project Babylon. We don't get an explanation of what that is but given what is revealed in the final scene it is unlikely to be good.

Season two certainly started with a bang; this episode was packed with action from start to finish including; explosions, car crashes and the appearance of a 'liquid metal' terminator. Having Cameron revert to being a terminator programmed to kill John Connor was an interesting move and quite a surprise when I first watched the episode; it is a pity this was resolved so quickly though as it would have been a great cliff hanger if we'd been left wondering whether John would restart her or not. Summer Glau does a great job in the role; portraying Cameron as not quite human without looking too robotic. Shirley Manson makes an interesting addition to the cast as Catherine Weaver; I look forward to seeing how her Project Babylon affects the Connors in future episodes.
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