Review of Kafkaesque

Breaking Bad: Kafkaesque (2010)
Season 3, Episode 9
Jesse gets greedy
16 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
With Hank steadily improving Walt has returned to work churning out the famous 'blue meth'; production is going so well they are actually above their quota. Jesse wants to hold some back for the next batch but Walt insists they just send it all. At this point Jesse gets angry; he things they are being ripped off; Gus may be paying them three million dollars for the meth but on the street he figures it is worth ninety six million! Hank isn't worried about that, his sole concern is what will happen at the end of the three months. During a hospital visit he learns that Hank was saved by a mystery phone call; a call he is sure came from Gus. When he puts his concerns to Gus he doesn't deny involving Hank and tells Walt he can continue working for him indefinitely. Jesse continues to get annoyed with the financial situation when Saul tries to set up a business that will enable him to launder his money and pay his taxes... as a criminal Jesse doesn't understand why he should pay taxes! As he and Walt are making more than their quota each week he has an idea to made more money for himself. Meanwhile Marie is worried about Hank's medical bills as their insurance doesn't offer the best cover; Skyler has a solution though... they can use the money Walt earned 'gambling'!

This episode showed that no matter how much money people earn they will always want more; Jesse would rather risk gaol than pay taxes and if he goes ahead and skims off the surplus meth made in the lab he will be crossing some very dangerous people indeed; Gus may appear mild mannered but he clearly isn't the sort of person who would think twice about having anybody who crossed him eliminated. Jesse, Skinny Pete and Badger also show just how low they'll go when they talk about 'blue meth' in the rehab group that was clearly meant to advertise it to the recovering addicts. It was nice to see Skyler get the better of Walt for once as she cleverly gave away a lot of his money without letting on where it really came from; Anna Gunn has done a fine job in this understated role from the beginning of the series but is often forgotten about because her character isn't doing dramatic things like the male protagonists Walt, Jesse and Hank.
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