From Poolboy to President...
10 October 2012
My brother told me of a movie once about a Vietnam vet turned poolboy who has to take on a rival Mexican gang of pool-cleaners, and I thought, "genius". Quite frankly, it was. From the same team that brought you "Poolboy: Drowning Out the Fury", comes an equally outrageous concept of a story. Franklin Delano Roosevelt gets polio from a werewolf attack and becomes determined to stop the Nazi werewolves and end the second world war for good.

FDR, played by a hysterical Barry Bostwick, gets polio from a werewolf. First off, the introduction of werewolves automatically tells you this movie will be very profound and dramatic. From a biographically standpoint, the events in the movie are very true to source. The story is a highly accurate telling of his rise to power, presidency, and war politics, but the real impressive aspect of this film is its attention to detail. The characters can seamlessly spout off lines of cocky socky comic genius and exploit themselves endlessly until the movie really just *ends* abruptly, with a climax so unforgettable, you wont be able to remember what happens in it.

The humor is crass, politically incorrect, and inversely subversive, so fans of bad movies should definitely hear it hitting the right notes. The narrative flows awkwardly steady, and the payoff is unimaginable, but what helps this movie entirely is the production design. John Waters once said his favorite movie idea "is to do a movie where everything's fake; the trees, the grass, even the sun", and that always described how I felt my life would be like if I were in a TV show from the heyday of America. It just seems funny to me, so in comes a movie that looks like it was shot entirely in a studio, and everything from the story to the characters to the dialogue and effects, just seems so consumingly fake, that it's incredible. Nothing in this movie can be taken seriously, and they just flat-out don't care. They had a funny idea and ran with it, exploiting FD Roosevelt for all his worth, and how he's a true American hero, regardless of anything he's ever done in "real life".

Now this may not be the "best" movie in the world, but by all means, it *is*, and to have a movie where FDR freestyles, men whore out their wives, black people play slaves, Nazi werewolves gossip anti- climactically, Japan continually gets made fun of, and Kevin Sorbo manifests as a cannabinoidally-induced Abraham Lincoln adviser... then you really can't go wrong with a movie that took an under-appreciated ex-president and turns him into a new-found American B.A.

The man. They myth. The Delano'saurus. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. And his jiggly polio legs that look like, and *are*, a complete joke. After all, isn't that what America is?
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