The Mentalist: Devil's Cherry (2012)
Season 5, Episode 2
absolutely vapid
8 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning of the season was somehow promising (until they ultimately threw away the sexy-Red-John girl), but still it was a start. However, this very episode appears to be very poor, both in plot-constructing and imagination. I truly believe that every time when a hero starts seeing dreams, or has hallucinations from drugs or just "sees" something - is a serious sign that a show needs to close (remember how everybody was disappointed with the "Lost" finale?). But when this useless device is combined with plot that doesn't have neither an interesting development nor a verisimilar criminal or a relieving ending - I guess this is an emergency. "Mentalist" has already had such a hallucinogenic episode when Grace was seeing her ex- fiancée, but that time it was considered as a wish to procrastinate and a one-time exception. I really think the show should have been closed after season 4, when tension was still there and you wanted to know where it's all heading, not when you wait when it will end at last!
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