Gin & Dry (2010)
More than meets the eye
4 October 2012
This short film, at first, gives the impression of a light-hearted take on a prison break movie. The ditsy, disconnected residents of the nursing home seem almost comedic as we see them going about their lives. Their outrage at the news that they won't be imbibing as much as usual this Christmas gives way to a more meaningful reflection on their lives as the film progresses.

In their world of board games and white noise, having at Christmas is one the only things they look forward to. Shot with shallow depth of field, we get the impression that the residents don't often get to see much further than the confines of the home.

The film cleverly references the war and compares it to the rationing that has been imposed on them again. It provokes thought about the trials that their generation had been through when compared to the traumatised Adam, the nursing home employee.

It is admirable to see a film centred around the older generation, as elderly characters are often denied the privilege of being given any depth or opportunity for empathy. Gin & Dry is a sweet, thought- provoking story, with more to it than you would think at the outset.
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