Project X (2012)
A disgrace to be called a movie
3 October 2012
This movie can hardly be called a movie, it is pretty much just a one and a half hour long advertisement or music video. I would firstly like to say, that movie had a cool party in it. But there was no plot, no characters that we actually gave a sh$t about and their was no complication or resolution. Just a film with an awful soundtrack of boring dub-step and Kid Cudi the whole way through.

Project X is about a group of dorky, nerdy friends whose parents go away and they plan to have a massive party with only a few people. Then word gets out that they are having a party then the whole town of teens show up then craziness ensues.

If your looking for a coming of age comedy, watch super bad or American pie. If you want to listen to cool music, buy an album, not a movie. This movie is nothing more then a music video 2/10 for a cool part which the film centers around, but nothing for it to go on.
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