Review of Stay Alive

Stay Alive (2006)
Stay awake
2 October 2012
Stay Alive is yet another contrived slasher that offers nothing new but the same formulaic pattern with a bunch of clichéd losers ho we don't care about at all. Just like "The Cabin in the Woods" set out we've got the virgin/s, the scholar, the whore, the jock and the fool/s. The only thing original about them is their names. One girl's called October and one boy is even called Twink!

Now hats off to the writers, they've actually tried to do something new in the form of playing a game that is cursed. It's an interesting concept and sort of a disc version of "The Ring" but they get it completely wrong from the off. What made "The Ring" successful was the simplicity of the tape. It had mystery surrounded by it that wasn't obvious by first glance. It was creepy and absolutely right. Imagine if that video was a DVD that showed an all-action blockbuster. It wouldn't be the same would it? Instead of creating a simple creepy game that didn't give anything away, they've created a full-on game with high graphics that couldn't be found creepy at all and sometimes even completely takes you out of the film. It's like watching someone playing a PS3. It's just wrong! They also map everything out about the mystery by creating the clichéd haunted mansion, exactly like the real one, so it's obvious what the finale's going to be.

In fact the entire film is predictable. You can predict who is going to die first and which couple end up at the end. No prizes for guessing that it's the wholesome virgins who make it! It's not even an entertaining ride getting there like "The Breed" was. It's just dull and uninvolving and offers little thrills due to the poor editing and directing during the 'suspenseful' parts. All of the suspense is sucked out because of the awful character development and flashy editing. It's also very unfocused up until the final 10 minutes or so, but by then you don't even care what happens to them.

Stay Alive is an attempt at trying something different but it was gone about in the completely wrong way. Even the death scenes weren't fun as most of them were off-screen and weren't creative in the slightest. There's nothing we haven't seen here before. It's a clichéd ghost story put in a stereotypical slasher and it's not as much fun as it sounds. A dull, pointless and silly horror film that will only have the under thirteens jumping for joy.
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