This was, uhm, different...
30 September 2012
Right, given the age of the movie, the title of the movie and the plot synopsis of the movie, you just know that you are in for one cheesy movie. And the movie is exactly just that, campy and cheesy.

Given the fact that the movie is from the late 1980's, then it wasn't particularly impressive, not even for that time of age. I remember there was far better horror movies around back then. And "Rabid Grannies" is listed as a comedy horror movie, but there is surprisingly little comedy in it, unless you count the horrible dubbing and questionable acting as comedy, or if the lack of coherent plot qualifies as comedy, I will just leave that up to the individual viewers to decide for themselves.

The story in "Rabid Grannies" is about a birthday party held at an old castle for aunts, when a mysterious stranger appears at the front gate with a strange present. The present contains a diabolical gift that turns the two elderly women into demonic creatures that are hungry for the flesh of their relatives, seeking to torment and kill them in the most gruesome of manners. Time is ticking for the family as the demonic duo wrecks havoc and destruction upon them, one at a time. Can they survive the ordeal and make it through the night alive?

The story in itself wasn't all that bad, but unfortunately it was executed by questionable actors and it wasn't particularly helped along by the horrible dubbing of English speaking voice actors - who all sounded constipated and were yelling most of the time instead of speaking.

There is a little bit of gore in the movie, that actually works out well enough, but it is hardly enough to make the movie interesting to watch. And the demonic creatures sort of look like parodies of wicked, evil creatures, so it is a little bit hard to take it all seriously.

Personally, I found "Rabid Grannies" to be somewhat of a struggle to actually get through, because my attention kept drifting away from the movie, as there was just too many scenes that were questionable, laughable or downright irrelevant for the actual movie.

If you enjoy movies from the late 1980's and haven't already seen it, and if you have absolutely nothing else to do, then perhaps watching this movie might be right for you. But otherwise, there is nothing worthwhile appealing to this movie. I have seen it now, and can honestly say that I will never see it again, nor do I consider my cinematic history of movie watching enriched in any way by having seen this particular movie.

The original title of the movie is "les mémés cannibales", which translates as "the cannibal grannies", so why they opted to title this movie "rabid grannies" is beyond my comprehension.

I am giving this movie a 3/10 rating because of the small amount of gore and mayhem that was in it and because of the original idea, which was the only two things that really appealed to me. The rest of the movie is not worth mentioning.
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