Paintball (2009)
Poorly Constructed Horror Hunt
30 September 2012
A group of eight men and women are secreted to a woodsy location. Let out of a rickety truck, they are revealed to be in a game of "Paintball". Given assigned roles (called positions by a robotic announcer), they expect to be battling against a like team for warrior fun, but it quickly turns deadly. A wobbly camera follows events, which are not as thrilling as promised. Unlike Richard Connell's similar "The Most Dangerous Game", there is very little story here. Another problem is character development; there is none, so it's difficult to care what happens to any of these people you see being followed around by the shaky cameras.

** Paintball (4/24/09) Daniel Benmayor ~ Brendan Mackey, Jennifer Matter, Patrick Regis, Iaione Perez
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