L saves the movie.
28 September 2012
Death Note once again came with the 3rd movie, Unfortunately, it's not as good as the first 2.

Somethings that may annoy you in this movie :

*The plot is weak.

*Some of the acting is bad.

*the story isn't stabled.

*The dialogue is kinda off place.

*It's slow paced.

HOWEVER, the pleasure of seeing Kenichi Matsuyama acting on the screen is totally worth watching, he put so much personality in the character that you can't help but smiling when you see him on the screen, his remarkable acting made the movie watchable and makes you forget the bad plot.

So is it worth watching ? yes it is, if you're an L fan, you're gonna have a blast, because this movie is about L, and his point of view about the world.
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