Review of Lockout

Lockout (2012)
It's got a bit of charm
20 September 2012
I really wanted to like this film in it's 90's esque action glory and inappropriate humor. And it's not that I hated it by any means it's just that despite some really good moments the balance is just too off for it too really work. It's a little too jokey in most scenes and the action is just a little too quickly cut in others and like most recent films it lacks a really memorable bad guy something all of those films had. Still I can appreciate a film that returns to those most entertaining roots. The film centers on a guy played by the sexy, charismatic but ill fitted for this role Guy Pearce who gets framed for murder but is pulled from his sentence when the presidents daughter gets taken hostage aboard a prison space ship. Maggie Grace is that girl and I think it's funny how from film to film she plays such a varying degree of different ages but she works here she's spunky and likable. The film has some good one liners when it works but it all becomes a bit much resulting in a eurotrash cinematic overkill with a forced twist ending. Despite the fun on screen there's nothing here that makes any of the proceedings the least bit memorable, it all comes across rather generically with a challenged budget to match. Still all in all you could do a lot worse it may be an overly mediocre violence fest but at least it doesn't take itself seriously giving it a bit of charm.
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