Review of Here

Here (I) (2011)
This movie is not about making maps or taking pictures
19 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
On the surface of it this rather tedious movie is about two people traveling around the countryside of Armenia making maps and taking pictures. They try to relate to each other, but in the end they part. The map-making comes to an unsatisfactory conclusion for one reason or another. So does their relationship.

The story teller tells us that they came to a place with a fence around it that could not be mapped. He says every map and every globe has a space in it like that. So we the viewers are left with a feeling of emptiness. Nothing worked.

But this movie is not about making maps or taking pictures of the Armenian countryside. The Armenian countryside is a metaphor for the human heart. It is not true that every map and every globe has a space in it that is blank and cannot be mapped. Google Earth and satellite imagery can map every inch on this planet. It is every human heart that has a fenced-in blank space in it.

What people are looking for is someone who can help fill in this blank space in their heart that they can't fill themselves. These two people explored each other physically and mentally, but in the end they did not fill this need in each other.

It does not have to be this way. Sometimes it works. In a similar movie Take Me Home it worked. In real life it can work if the space is not too large and if the fence is not too high and if the right people come together.

As a road movie this is a flop. As an existential experience it is pretty good.
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