Poirot: How Does Your Garden Grow? (1991)
Season 3, Episode 2
Just the right mix of humor and suspense
19 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
What a wonderful episode this is. After buying cologne at a shop, Poirot, preening with pride, tells the proprietor that "I am about to become a pink rose." The minor thread in the story of Hastings' allergy to Poirot's cologne is greatly amusing. While at the Chelsea Flower Show to attend the small ceremony at which the Hercules Poirot pink rose is announced, Poirot is approached by an elderly woman in a wheel chair who is clearly frightened by something and gives him a seed packet. Margery Mason does a wonderful job as the elderly and very frightened Amelia Barrroby. Soon after the show, Poirot receives a letter from this lady asking for Poirot's help. He and Miss Lemon go down to see her and learn that she died the previous evening. When her death (and a horrific one it was) is found to be murder, suspicion immediately falls upon her Russian maid. There is so much to like about this episode: the scenes at the flower show were beautiful and it was impressive at how many extras were used, the scene at the USSR embassy, the attention to small details such as Miss Lemon's purse with its gloves strap and the mystery was very well done even though the solution was somewhat predictable. It was especially nice to see Miss Lemon in such a prominent role. When Japp asks her if she is comfortable going to the mortuary, she replies yes and "I helped in the hospital morgue during the war." An interesting bit of information about her background. It is a delightful episode and one of my favorites.
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