beneath better movies
17 September 2012
I give it a 6. I am a huge war movie fan. I love war movies, and when I read a few reviews and the synopsis I truly wanted to like this movie. Word War I movies are few and far between. That being said, I found this one rather dull.

I think if this movie had been 20 years ago I would have loved it. Because it was made in 2010, it failed to really grab my attention. I didn't think it was horrible and I surely have seen worse war movies, but Since Speilbergs "Saving Private Ryan" stepped up the game for the genre, movies like this just don't fit the bill anymore.

The acting was fine. There were some good scenes that gave a bit of the claustrophobic sense, but again, as far as the genre go these days its not enough, and you still have a sense of watching a story instead of being there witnessing the story.
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