Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (2012–2017)
Absolute garbage and hard to watch
17 September 2012
This is the illest thing i have ever seen. The way this white trash family is making it on to the television, i will never know. Like father jack says "how did that gobshite get on the television?!" The absolute low of television. It makes The kardashians look like House. This woman is taking her little daughter and embarrassing her in front of the world. She is taking her, dressing her up as a hooker and getting paid. I cant believe we live in a world where this can happen. Even if you were just curious to see how bad it is, do NOT watch it. It is that bad! I feel sympathy for this little girl, her mom is the real harm. Someone needs to call child services and have her daughter taken off her. this is one real bad mother. PLEASE CANCEL THIS HORRIBLE SHOW!
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