Snakehead Terror (2004 TV Movie)
Fantastic creature feature effort
14 September 2012
After a small-town survives an infestation of snakehead fish, a group of local teens finds that the creatures haven't been killed off yet and are still running wild through the community where they must fight them off so they can escape and deal with the terrifying fish.

This is still one of the best Sci-Fi Channel original creature features from the channel. One of the film's numerous good points is the fact that this one decides to charge forth with a lot of action within, making this a really breathless experience. The film decides that as the continuous chances to showcase the killer instincts of the fish is brought to full bear, as they are shown to stalk their prey in groups, converging slowly and then attacking individually or swimming in packs to overwhelm prey. Coming with a full assortment of big attack scenes, including the water-based ambushes that start the film off, a slew of attacks against the townspeople out on the water chasing down the group who are coming after them and featuring all the great swarming done by the creatures. As well, the action picks up considerably as there's a great deal of action in the second half that takes place on the island as this features the massive swarming on the beach, a fantastic home invasion with lots of stalking and fighting off the creatures as they barricade themselves away waiting for help and a grand finale which is a lot of fun to witness the kind of inventive techniques used to stop them on top of the numerous woodland attacks which is fun when it gets going as all these confrontations mean a high dose of blood and gore that is nice enough to satisfy. Having heads and limbs being removed and their stumps spurting blood is certainly more violent than figured, and along with the great special effects as the fish are realistically captured when used as puppets that they're worthwhile enough to score some nice points for the majority of the scenes, these here are the film's more enjoyable elements. Despite having a lot of focus with the puppets, this ends up dipping into the well for CGI on some useless sequences and are a little hard to swallow. There's also the fact that it does feel like a rip-off of some many different films at times with scenes or themes taken wholesale from other films throughout, and those are the obvious ones. A mayor who doesn't want to spoil the fishing season's income, the police chief who knows everything and tries to stop it, the biologist who knows how to stop the threat, the creatures attacking the police chief's children in open waters and an electrocution kills the monster all serve as the biggest examples. While these are the flaws, it's not enough to damage this one.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language.
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