8 gross defects in the script
12 September 2012
Suspense and good acting are there, but there are at least 8 gross defects in the script:

1) Very unlikely that the 4 gangsters would continue blocking the way after hearing the repeated horn from behind - they wouldn't want to attract attention (even less - to have to talk to cops which the people in the car behind could have called).

2) OK, they are dumb enough to get out of the car wanting to talk to the honking guys - but why launch into a fight immediately? First of all, it was necessary to find out who was honking - may be they were somebody not to mess with (for example, they could be from another/stronger gang or/and could have guns).

3) It is not clear how Carlo/Greene made the connection between the robbery and the 4 main characters (the blood-stained $100 bill alone is not enough; a link is missing here).

4) Regarding the bookmaking office - handling big amounts of cash does require some security measures, but not a single person there was armed, and there was not even a peephole in the door.

5) How could anyone be so majestically stupid to go downstairs into that Albanian cellar? During the film, the guys, although not particularly bright, did not look completely brainless, they could have guessed that it made no sense to go downstairs - the Albanians could just bring the bag with cash.

6) Were the Albanians so crazy to think they could get away with murdering representatives of a gang strong enough to extort money from them? Within hours, that bar would probably be burned down, and half of those present would be dead (or worse).

7) Why did they have to kidnap the 1st guy (of the 4 main characters) in a hotel? How to carry him then? Risks of getting filmed by surveillance cameras or bumping into security guys. Stopping his car somewhere in a quiet street would do just fine.

8) During a robbery, when 3 armed and nervous robbers are waving their guns at you, shouting at you to lie down - what does a normal person do? Of course comply immediately. But the personnel of the bookmaking office (every single one of them) were just standing there, waiting to be told the same thing 5 or 6 times (like it was a sudden mass madness).

Comments on the foregoing points are welcome.
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