Review of The Awakening

The Awakening (I) (2011)
A semi spooky tale that is low on scares
10 September 2012
There are few scares in this movie, and while one or two are genuinely spooky most are not gasp inducing. Setting this movie post WWI did not help, as did the condescending demeanor of Florence Cathcart, the skeptical ghost hunter. Or at least the setting would have worked if Cathcart had been more of a believer. The boarding school set certainly offered plenty of opportunities for some genuine chills and spooks but the director failed to make effective use of the various levels and dark corridors.

Like all ghost tales this movie has a twist, which is interesting but because it's been done by other movies like The Others and the Sixth Sense, it's not all that awe inspiring. There's lots of flat moments in the movie that leaves you glancing at your watch and wondering when the next scare was coming.

The acting is nothing worth raving about. Hall's Florence Cathcart is so disdainful that it's hard at times to feel sorry for her life or what she's been through and it's more of a relief when the story isn't focused on her. Dominic West's character is weird and unsettled, and a very odd choice as a teacher in a boarding school.

A disappointing effort for what should have been a bone chilling experience. I don't recommend this one.
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