White Vengeance delivers an epic piece of history slowly
6 September 2012
The Asian film market deliver some of the biggest epic action period films in the industry. In addition they usually follow some piece of actual history which is the case in the latest White Vengeance. Will this epic action piece of history live up the normal quality experience they are known for?

White Vengeance follows the story of two brothers contending for supremacy during the fall of the Qin Dynasty during the events of the Chu-Han Contention and the Feast at Hong Gate. As expected this film delivers the scope and scale needed to bring this historical story to life. At first the film seems to struggle a bit with too much going on to keep up with itself without getting cluttered in confusion. This seems more due to just too much historical information stuffed into one film. If you are not all that aware of the history, it's a bit hard to follow. If you are aware of it or just able to take the journey and not worry about some aspects then this film works really well. The first half does deliver the action, but still manages to take its own sweet time to develop the characters and direction. The clever nature of the story makes it a bit more than just your average martial arts epic, but instead a clever woven tale that plays like the game of wits. The battles feel as epic as they are intended to be, but still keep a bit of a personal touch as opposed to just the pile of mindless soldiers killing each other.

There is a love story side of this film that just seemed to slow everything down and not all that necessary. This isn't the best of this genre to come along, mostly due to some of it's slow pace and runs a bit longer than it really needed to be, but is entertaining. If you are a fan of the epic martial arts period pieces then you should give this one a try.

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